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Cob: Cob Masonry Heater

Chuck & Linda clearned at
Wed Jan 16 09:29:23 CST 2002

I too am thinking that I will be building a cob hybrid masonry heater. I
will probably use the Finish design from Albie at Maine Wood Heat. I will
probably bite the environmental bullet and put in a refractory inner core
for the firing chamber as the temperture is really intense and I don't want
to redo it in 3 years because the cob didn't hold up under repeated firing.
Then I will construct the outer facing with cob as well as build the chimney
chambers with cob which operate under less stress compared to the firing
chamber. I plan on using a cook stove format with a heated bench and then a
chimney. I will drop in an electrical stove top right next to the wood heat
plate which may be soap stone.

In speaking with Norbert Senf, he said this would work as long as we use
high quality clay and refractory sand.  This should result all in all with a
high performing multi-purpose heater (which we take seriously in Wisconsin)
at a moderate price.

Chuck Learned in Wisconsin
Helping Hands Coordinator

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