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Cob: Re: hair/alternative materials/additives.Darel Henman henman at Dec 27 00:32:17 CST 2001
ToSwink, I've seen where the switchgrass material is made into pellets for burning. The following 1998 article talks about hemp and switchgrass. Hemp is still one of the best crops that America is lossing out on. Switchgrass is legal and maybe has different applications as in biofuel. Here are articles about switchgrass: (map of growable area) Nov. 2000 article: There is a lot of information out there. Just search for "hemp" and "switchgrass". Darel ToSwink wrote: > > Has anyone seen article on switchgrass as a energy product? > Read brief article where they use it mixed with other type fuel. > But thought maybe it could be used as heat product / or fiber etc. > > .....snipped