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Cob: RE: Formal Proposal

Patrick Newberry PNewberry at
Fri Oct 26 13:15:54 CDT 2001

Well first thing, I'd suggest is a shed style roof on the structures. 
Being that it's north Ga, Clay will be easy, but the clay to sand
are more than likely high in clay low in sand. 

Look for a source of clay. 

as far as cob goes, lets see, to go around the house once is 
40 ' of distance (ignoring the windows and doors). 

If I have water, clay / sand and straw at hand, I could do 40 ' in one
but I since my cob is a bit  wet, I only go up about 6 to 8 inches at a
thus it would take me approx 16 days to build the walls for the cabin. 

Of course none of this is taking into account my ability to be
sidetracked :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Pack McKibben [mailto:gakayaker at]
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 12:19 PM
To: coblist at
Subject: Cob: Formal Proposal

Pack McKibben
Northeast Georgia

Subject: Proposal
I need help putting together a Formal Proposal for
design and construction of six Natural Built shelters
to be used by campers in a Campground setting.  One
Cob, Cordwood, Strawbale, Wattle & Daub, Clay Slip,
and Papercrete Shelter.  Each to be approximately 10'
x 10' x 8' in size, with roof, one door, and three
windows.  The proposal will also include labor and

My Background:
I've become interested in alternative building within
the last year and a half.  I've taken one workshop
with Cob Cottage Company on basic cob construction.  I
plan on taking a cordwood construction workshop in the
spring.  I've been reading and doing research on the
internet about sustainable living, passive solar
design and other green/natural building techniques
that include cob, cordwood, clay slip, wattle and
daub, Papercrete, and earthship design.  I'd call
myself a neophyte.  All book learning and not much
hands on experience.  All this interest and research
because I've had a vision of finding land and building
a natural built home.  I'm still looking for the land.
 If and when I do find land,   I figured I could build
small shelters as a way to learn the craft, experiment

with different techniques, and then, MAYBE:
1).  Be able to rent them out as a way to make a
living, or
2).  Have a place for natural build workshops, and/or
3).  Be able to build a Campground/Natural
Build/Education Center 

Here's my Problem:
After looking and pricing land I realized I have the
budget for a few acres but the project requires a lot
more.  Zoning is also a problem, but I wont go there
right now.  So I went to plan "B".  Which is finding
someone to let me use their property to build my
natural built shelters (thanks for the idea Ianto). 
To try to make a long story short, I came across a
Director of a local State Park who told me about their
pending expansion of their campground.  From six to
over three hundred acres!  I told him about my idea of
a community campground - sustainable living concept
and he REALY liked the idea!  So much so that he wants
me to give him a formal proposal.  It needs to include
the type of shelter to be constructed, how long each
would take to be constructed, and an estimated cost of
materials.  I presume all this so he can figure a
cost/payback ratio.  I'm WAY over my head in this
situation.  I've NEVER done a proposal.  I feel I can
handle the community campground portion of the
proposal.  I need help with the shelter construction
details (labor and materials).

I need a BUNCH of help!  I do have passion and desire.
 And I've learned over the years that as long as you
have an open mind and a clear, focused goal, anything
is possible!  So here's what I need (and I need it as
soon as possible) from all those who can help:
PROPOSALS: If anyone has done a proposal for a grant. 
This type proposal would probably fit my need.  I know
some people have been building at schools as a project
for students to learn Natural building (etc.).  If a
proposal was required, I sure would like to see one.

LABOR:  An idea of how long it takes to build a
shelter of Cob, Cordwood, Strawbale, Papercrete, ETC. 
should be based on how long it takes two workers
To build a 10'x 10' x 8' shelter, with roof, one door
and three windows.

MATERIALS:  Total materials list:  Timber, Lumber,
infill, tonnage, volume, etc.  Everything it takes to
build a Cob, Cordwood, etc. shelter/building based on
the same labor benchmarked building requirements.

TOTAL COST:  I hope each shelter can be built for lass
than $ 500.00 for total labor and matericals.  What do
you think?  Can this be done?  Is this realistic?

SPECIFICATIONS: Drawings of shelters/buildings, Views:
Front, Side, Top;
measurements, details.  I realize this info may be few
and far between.

PICTURES: of any small shelters/buildings you've
built.  Cob, Cordwood, Strawbale, Papercrete, Wattle &
Daub, Clay Slip, ETC.
Any I use as examples for my proposal will be credited
the sender and/or builder.

FORGOT:  Things I've left out!  If I leave it out it's
because I don't know it.  So tell me if there's more I
need to include.

GROUP:  Anyone who knows how to help me set up a
discussion group for this specific proposal.  I don't
want to over tax on-going post that are more subject
oriented.  My plan is to post this ONE message on each
Cob, Cordwood, Strawbale, and Papercrete (and
any/others you think might be appropriate) Group/List
and ask for anyone interested in helping, to use
direct email to me, or to use the NEW proposal group
for future post (if I figure out how to set one up).

*******  	I'll provide a URL to the group (in the near
future) so any interested persons, contributing
parties, and/or individuals who want to learn about
Natural Building, can read the in-progress proposal 

Thanks for any help...

I hope everyones help will not go for naught...

Pack McKibben
gakayaker at

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