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Cob: re: Wood instead of Straw?janell kapoor janellv at hotmail.comTue Sep 4 14:56:03 CDT 2001
howdy, at 'build here now 2001' a man named mick from estonia said they have a tradition in his homeland of using woodchips, wood shavings and cattail fluff mixed with clay slip then tamped between removable forms. this is quite different than cob, though similar to 'strawclay' using wood rather than straw. i recall him mentioning that a varitey of chip & shaving size is ideal. i think throwing some long strong straw in would also help make it an even stronger interlocked wall. you can also build a wall cavity and fill it in with the same wood chip/clay slip mixture. i got the impression that this is an old way of building in estonia with pretty good insulative value, i'd guess similar to strawclay though i don't know for sure. please note: strawclay is a different technique than cob. usually used to build straight higher insulation walls... a nice compliment to southside cob walls which are mainly mass. strawclay walls also tend to go up more quickly though you lose the sculptability of cob. also note: these walls are NOT load-bearing. some folks at the forestry cooperative at earthaven ecovillage have plans to build like this because they have a lot of scrap wood. right now they are just waiting on a proper chipper. if you have questions about strawclay construction you can email me at janell at good luck and let us know how it goes, janell Janell Kapoor Kleiwerks 828.252.7701 janell at -----Original Message----- From: owner-coblist at [mailto:owner-coblist at]On Behalf Of Brian Jensen Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 3:34 PM To: coblist at Subject: Cob: Wood instead of Straw? Hello I am curious if there has been any cob that has been made with shredded wood? My city has a wood recycling program and I was thinking that some of the smaller graded material would work in place of straw. I can see that there are a lot of factors i.e. wood type, particle size, wood-sand-clay ratio, that could affect the outcome of the cob. thanks in advance. bjj jensens at _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at