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Cob: Yikes! Too CruelFyrfalcyn at Fyrfalcyn at aol.comSun Jul 15 00:40:33 CDT 2001
In a message dated 7/14/2001 11:39:39 PM Mountain Daylight Time, Fyrfalcyn writes: << < I completely agree with getting out of the cash economy to the extent possible, but if getting out of the cash economy means when you actually need cash you just expect someone else to come up with it for you, there's something wrong there. To me, getting out of the cash economy means using the resources you have to put yourself in a position to not have to ask others to be responsible for you. Whining about not having the education to get anywhere is unproductive, uncreative and useless. >> Wow! Maybe you ought not to be so harsh with my daughter. She lost her dad to cancer, and any help he might have given her with her education died with him. She gave up the chance to graduate from high school in order to take care of her sister's son when his mom went off the deep end and we had to take care of him with no notice. Liz has donated every dime she's made for the last three years to help pay off the debts that her sister ran up and/or stole from us. Liz worked in the opposite direction from me and at different hours, so she had to walk two miles to work in all kinds of weather. She is brave, generous and determined and has know grief and hardship that not many could endure. I could not have survived ( I have five children) and we would not have a roof over our heads at all if she had not been willing to help. Someone gave her a lousy car and the first thing she did was sign up for classes so she could get her diploma. The car died and she had to drop out again. She is constantly studying everything from diplomacy to paleontology, is actively involved in bettering herself, and yet seems to run in to brick walls everytime she tries to make things better. Her grandfather has almost a million dollars in his savings account, he could easily LEND her the money. She has promised to sign a contract in order to pay him back. He gave all kinds of money to her older sister and Lizzi has never asked him for anything before. She is an idealist and she wants to make the world a better place, she talks about how this or that could help people like us. She deserves better than criticism from someone who is so quick to judge. ~ Kestrel ~ "One must still have Chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." ~Nietzsche >> ~ Kestrel ~ "One must still have Chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." ~Nietzsche -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: Fyrfalcyn at Subject: Re: Cob: Re: No money but not the Blues Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 01:39:39 EDT Size: 2720 URL: <>