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Cob: kleiwerks -- cob slipstraw earth plaster bamboo (2)Shabari Bird birdnest at alltel.netThu Apr 5 20:17:33 CDT 2001
kleiwerks -- cob | slipstraw | earth plaster | bamboo Kleiwerks can work with you to custom design your one-of-a-kind natural home and we have a crew to build it. Interested? Please contact us. Back to Index We can teach a workshop at your site to help you along with your project. You will need to have: a.. taken a workshop b.. room for about 20 campers c.. kitchen, toilet & shower facilities d.. the site and building materials ready to go e.. the time & dedication for it to happen Interested? Please contact us. Back to Index | Back to Top Mud was used in the first structures ever built. About two-thirds of the people living on the planet right now live in mud houses. Mud is abundant. Mud is free. Mud is nontoxic. Mud is beautiful. Mud is easy and it feels good. Anyone can do mud. Mud makes sense! Cob Cob is pottery on a grand scale, a freeform art of natural building that's more like sculpture than carpentry. After kneading a mixture of clay, sand and straw by doing the "barefoot boogie," you literally hand-sculpt your home from the foundation up, much like you would a bowl or vase, only the walls are much thicker. Curves and detail work, beautiful objects and recycled materials are all easily incorporated, enhancing the uniqueness of your creation. Because cob is simple, affordable, nontoxic and long-lasting (not to mention fun), this ancient art is currently enjoying an enthusiastic revival. Slipstraw (a.k.a. light strawclay in-fill) Quicker to build and higher in insulative value, slipstraw is a wonderful partner to cob and an excellent addition to the natural building repertoire. After coating loose straw with clay slip (like tossing a salad with dressing), you simply pack the slip-coated straw between forms. As soon as you pack them, the forms can be removed, leaving you with a beautiful, durable, soundproof, nontoxic, fire, rot & rodent-proof wall that quite resembles Japanese handmade paper. Slipstraw is also a great alternative to strawbale construction as it is easier to plaster and handles water vapor well in wet and cold climates. Earth Plaster & Paint There is a wide array of earth plasters and paints. This final touch to your earthen home is essentially the same as the walls themselves only the aggregates and fibers are much smaller. Several coats of plaster are used, getting finer and finer as you go until you have a customized finish of texture, color and shine that is all your own. Along with this you can have extra fun with additives varying from sour cream to prickly pear juice, mineral oxides to mica flakes. Plastering can be such a delight that some people are known to say it's the reason they built in the first's like icing on the cake! Bamboo Bamboo! This incredible renewable resource with all its varied applications is only just beginning to be recognized and appreciated in the west. And thank goodness! You will be overwhelmed discovering the multitudes of uses and building potential you have with this fast growing grass. From floor to ceiling; decorative to functional; organic to elegant, there are simple techniques to work our way out of deforestation and into our newest passion... Bamboo! Kleiwerks is thrilled to have recently teamed up with bamboo-ists Carol Stangler, Michel Spaan and Francisco Plaza. We are excited about all the potential collaborations to come. Back to Index | Back to Top In 2001 Janell Kapoor, avid mud mama and founder of Kleiwerks, is moving into her fifth year of teaching people of all ages and backgrounds the joys of natural building. Her enthusiasm, experience and passion for creating spaces that make sense and feel good to the soul have taken her as far as India and as close as her own backyard of Asheville, N.C. where she teaches at colleges, public parks and private homes. She, with many others, built the first permitted cob cottage in N.C. Since an early age Janell has had her hands in the mud, designing and making little dwellings of all kinds. Mollie Curry, five-year resident of Earthaven Ecovillage, has helped build the community from the ground up. She has worked with slipstraw, strawbale, earth plaster, cob and other innovative techniques. Her love for and connection with earth has led Mollie to the conscious use of natural materials to make beautiful homes. Mollie currently works with Kleiwerks and Culture's Edge teaching natural building and permaculture. She is also recently rediscovering her creativity and joyfully letting it loose! Carol Stangler is author of an upcoming book about working with bamboo to be released in Fall 2001. As an environmental artist she started earnestly working with bamboo in 1991 when she received grants to experiment artistically with bamboo. Since then she has traveled to Japan, built distinctive fences, discovered and developed techniques and has researched sources for tools and materials... all for her love of bamboo. Along with workshops and residencies she also teaches at the School of Art and Design at Georgia State University in Atlanta. She has received numerous grants and honors, including the 1997 Georgia Arts Commission on Women Award for her "Outstanding Contribution to the Visual Arts." She currently lives and works in her "Bird Tribe Studio" in Asheville, N.C. Self taught bamboo-ist, Michel Spaan, has been fascinated with the plant ever since his first trip to Asia in 1981. His keen eye for design and construction has led him to work in galleries and private homes from the U.S. to his homeland of Holland. Michel specializes in creating beautiful, elegant and functional structures. He is excited to share with others what he has learned about building with bamboo over the past 20 years. Back after five months of bamboo training at Agro Indeba, a furniture making center in Costa Rica, Francisco Plaza is designing furniture and bamboo interiors in the Piedmont. Trained in carpentry, cob and slipstraw Francisco is currently working with the newly formed Red Dirt Natural Builders in Chapel Hill, NC. Back to Index | Back to Top For more information or to register please contact: Before March 21, 2001 e-mail janell at After March 21, 2001 call Janell Kapoor at (828) 252-7701 Back to Index | Back to Top Cob Cottage Company Cottage Grove, OR Groundworks Murphy, OR Earthaven/Culture's Edge Black Mountain, NC Women Build Houses NM Cobworks Mayne Island, BC Jan Sturmann Shutesbury, MA DesignCoalition Madison, WI Build Here Now Lamas Foundation, NM Bird's Nest Retreat North GA The Permaculture Activist Periodical SVI/Moonshadow mediarights at Sequatchie Valley, TN Red Dirt Natural Builders red_dirt22 at Chapel Hill, NC Back to Index | Back to Top WHAT IS COB? | WORKSHOPS | WE BUILD FOR YOU HOSTING A WORKSHOP | OUR INSTRUCTORS CONTACTING KLEIWERKS | RELATED LINKS Graphic Design by Jim Bixby: bixjimby at Coding by Julian Hockings: Copyright © 2001 by Kleiwerks. -------------- next part -------------- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>kleiwerks -- cob | slipstraw | earth plaster | bamboo</TITLE> <META content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv=Content-Type><BASE href=> <META content="natural building cob earth earthen home homes slip straw slipstraw light clay infill plastering bamboo workshops strawbale construction houses mud architecture timberframe timber fram ecological ecobuilding eco-building women living roofs kleiwerks kleiworks clayworks adobe klei werks klei works floor floors hand sculpted benches bench" name=keywords> <META content="Based out of Asheville, NC, Kleiwerks conducts natural building workshops and contracts to build hybrid structures incorporating stone, timber-frame, cob, slipstraw, bamboo, earth plasters, living roofs, and lots of fine details." name=description> <META content="MSHTML 5.00.2919.6307" name=GENERATOR> <STYLE></STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=#ffffff text=#000000> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV align=center> <P><A name=topsecondpage></A><A href="#cob"><IMG border=0 height=102 src="Images/kleiwerks.gif" useMap=#imagemapcob width=511> <MAP name=imagemapcob><AREA coords=1,82,53,101 href="#cob" shape=RECT><AREA coords=63,82,201,102 href="#slipstraw" shape=RECT><AREA coords=207,82,397,104 href="#earthplaster" shape=RECT><AREA coords=406,82,526,108 href="#bamboo" shape=RECT></MAP></A></P> <P> </P> <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width=430> <TBODY> <TR> <TD><A name=webuild></A><IMG height=20 src="Images/webuild.gif" width=180><BR> <P>Kleiwerks can work with you to custom design your one-of-a-kind natural home and we have a crew to build it.<BR>Interested? Please <A href="#contacting">contact us</A>.</P> <P><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2><A href="index.html#topindexpage">Back to Index</A></FONT></P> <P><A name=hosting></A><IMG height=28 src="Images/hosting.gif" width=214></P> <P>We can teach a workshop at your site to help you along with your project. You will need to have:</P> <UL> <LI>taken a workshop <LI>room for about 20 campers <LI>kitchen, toilet & shower facilities <LI>the site and building materials ready to go <LI>the time & dedication for it to happen<BR></LI></UL>Interested? Please <A href="#contacting">contact us</A>. <P><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2><A href="index.html#topindexpage">Back to Index</A> | <A href="#topsecondpage">Back to Top</A></FONT></P> <P><A name=whatiscob></A><IMG height=28 src="Images/cob.gif" width=416></P> <P>Mud was used in the first structures ever built. About two-thirds of the people living on the planet right now live in mud houses. Mud is abundant. Mud is free. Mud is nontoxic. Mud is beautiful. Mud is easy and it feels good. Anyone can do mud. Mud makes sense!</P> <P><A name=cob></A><FONT size=4><B>Cob</B></FONT><BR>Cob is pottery on a grand scale, a freeform art of natural building that's more like sculpture than carpentry. After kneading a mixture of clay, sand and straw by doing the "barefoot boogie," you literally hand-sculpt your home from the foundation up, much like you would a bowl or vase, only the walls are much thicker. Curves and detail work, beautiful objects and recycled materials are all easily incorporated, enhancing the uniqueness of your creation. Because cob is simple, affordable, nontoxic and long-lasting (not to mention fun), this ancient art is currently enjoying an enthusiastic revival.</P> <P><A name=slipstraw></A><FONT size=4><B>Slipstraw </B></FONT><BR>(a.k.a. light strawclay in-fill)<BR>Quicker to build and higher in insulative value, slipstraw is a wonderful partner to cob and an excellent addition to the natural building repertoire. After coating loose straw with clay slip (like tossing a salad with dressing), you simply pack the slip-coated straw between forms. As soon as you pack them, the forms can be removed, leaving you with a beautiful, durable, soundproof, nontoxic, fire, rot & rodent-proof wall that quite resembles Japanese handmade paper. Slipstraw is also a great alternative to strawbale construction as it is easier to plaster and handles water vapor well in wet and cold climates.</P> <P><A name=earthplaster></A><FONT size=4><B>Earth Plaster & Paint</B></FONT><BR>There is a wide array of earth plasters and paints. This final touch to your earthen home is essentially the same as the walls themselves only the aggregates and fibers are much smaller. Several coats of plaster are used, getting finer and finer as you go until you have a customized finish of texture, color and shine that is all your own. Along with this you can have extra fun with additives varying from sour cream to prickly pear juice, mineral oxides to mica flakes. Plastering can be such a delight that some people are known to say it's the reason they built in the first's like icing on the cake!</P> <P><A name=bamboo></A><FONT size=4><B>Bamboo</B></FONT><BR>Bamboo! This incredible renewable resource with all its varied applications is only just beginning to be recognized and appreciated in the west. And thank goodness! You will be overwhelmed discovering the multitudes of uses and building potential you have with this fast growing grass. From floor to ceiling; decorative to functional; organic to elegant, there are simple techniques to work our way out of deforestation and into our newest passion... Bamboo! Kleiwerks is thrilled to have recently teamed up with bamboo-ists Carol Stangler, Michel Spaan and Francisco Plaza. We are excited about all the potential collaborations to come.</P> <P><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2><A href="index.html#topindexpage">Back to Index</A> | <A href="#topsecondpage">Back to Top</A></FONT></P> <P><A name=instructors></A><IMG height=21 src="Images/instructors.gif" width=154></P> <P></P> <P><A name=janell></A><IMG height=104 src="Images/janel.jpg" width=100> In 2001 <B>Janell Kapoor</B>, avid mud mama and founder of Kleiwerks, is moving into her fifth year of teaching people of all ages and backgrounds the joys of natural building. Her enthusiasm, experience and passion for creating spaces that make sense and feel good to the soul have taken her as far as India and as close as her own backyard of Asheville, N.C. where she teaches at colleges, public parks and private homes. She, with many others, built the first permitted cob cottage in N.C. Since an early age Janell has had her hands in the mud, designing and making little dwellings of all kinds.</P> <P><B><A name=mollie></A><IMG height=104 src="Images/mollie.jpg" width=100> Mollie Curry</B>, five-year resident of Earthaven Ecovillage, has helped build the community from the ground up. She has worked with slipstraw, strawbale, earth plaster, cob and other innovative techniques. Her love for and connection with earth has led Mollie to the conscious use of natural materials to make beautiful homes. Mollie currently works with Kleiwerks and Culture's Edge teaching natural building and permaculture. She is also recently rediscovering her creativity and joyfully letting it loose!</P> <P><B><A name=carol></A><IMG height=104 src="Images/carol.jpg" width=100> Carol Stangler</B> is author of an upcoming book about working with bamboo to be released in Fall 2001. As an environmental artist she started earnestly working with bamboo in 1991 when she received grants to experiment artistically with bamboo. Since then she has traveled to Japan, built distinctive fences, discovered and developed techniques and has researched sources for tools and materials... all for her love of bamboo. Along with workshops and residencies she also teaches at the School of Art and Design at Georgia State University in Atlanta. She has received numerous grants and honors, including the 1997 Georgia Arts Commission on Women Award for her "Outstanding Contribution to the Visual Arts." She currently lives and works in her "Bird Tribe Studio" in Asheville, N.C.</P> <P><A name=michel></A><IMG height=104 src="Images/michel.jpg" width=95> Self taught bamboo-ist, <B>Michel Spaan</B>, has been fascinated with the plant ever since his first trip to Asia in 1981. His keen eye for design and construction has led him to work in galleries and private homes from the U.S. to his homeland of Holland. Michel specializes in creating beautiful, elegant and functional structures. He is excited to share with others what he has learned about building with bamboo over the past 20 years.</P> <P><A name=francisco></A><IMG height=103 src="Images/soon.gif" width=100> Back after five months of bamboo training at Agro Indeba, a furniture making center in Costa Rica, <B>Francisco Plaza</B> is designing furniture and bamboo interiors in the Piedmont. Trained in carpentry, cob and slipstraw Francisco is currently working with the newly formed Red Dirt Natural Builders in Chapel Hill, NC.</P> <P><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2><A href="index.html#topindexpage">Back to Index</A> | <A href="#topsecondpage">Back to Top</A></FONT></P> <P><A name=contacting></A><IMG height=26 src="Images/contacting.gif" width=219></P> <P>For more information or to register please contact:<BR>Before March 21, 2001 e-mail <A href="mailto:janell at">janell at</A><BR>After March 21, 2001 call Janell Kapoor at (828) 252-7701</P> <P><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2><A href="index.html#topindexpage">Back to Index</A> | <A href="#topsecondpage">Back to Top</A></FONT></P> <P><A name=links></A><IMG height=20 src="Images/related.gif" width=136></P> <P><A href="">Cob Cottage Company</A> Cottage Grove, OR<BR><A href="">Groundworks</A> Murphy, OR<BR><A href="">Earthaven/Culture's Edge</A> Black Mountain, NC<BR><A href="">Women Build Houses</A> NM<BR><A href="">Cobworks</A> Mayne Island, BC<BR><A href="">Jan Sturmann</A> Shutesbury, MA<BR><A href="">DesignCoalition</A> Madison, WI<BR><A href="">Build Here Now</A> Lamas Foundation, NM<BR><A href="">Bird's Nest Retreat</A> North GA<BR><A href="">The Permaculture Activist</A> Periodical <BR>SVI/Moonshadow <A href="mailto:mediarights at">mediarights at</A> Sequatchie Valley, TN<BR>Red Dirt Natural Builders <A href="mailto:red_dirt22 at">red_dirt22 at</A> Chapel Hill, NC</P> <P><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2><A href="index.html#topindexpage">Back to Index</A> | <A href="#topsecondpage">Back to Top</A></FONT></P> <P align=center><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2><A href="#whatiscob">WHAT IS COB?</A> | <A href="index.html#workshops">WORKSHOPS</A> | <A href="#webuild">WE BUILD FOR YOU<BR></A><A href="#hosting">HOSTING A WORKSHOP</A> | <A href="#instructors">OUR INSTRUCTORS<BR></A><A href="#contacting">CONTACTING KLEIWERKS</A> | <A href="#links">RELATED LINKS</A></FONT></P> <P align=center><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>Graphic Design by Jim Bixby: <A href="mailto:bixjimby at">bixjimby at</A><BR>Coding by Julian Hockings: <A href=""></A></FONT></P> <P align=center><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>Copyright © 2001 by Kleiwerks.</FONT></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P align=left> </P></DIV></BODY></HTML> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: kleiwerks.gif Type: image/gif Size: 5467 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: webuild.gif Type: image/gif Size: 1190 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: hosting.gif Type: image/gif Size: 1484 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: cob.gif Type: image/gif Size: 2309 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: instructors.gif Type: image/gif Size: 1008 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: janel.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 2557 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: mollie.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 2974 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: carol.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 3994 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: michel.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 2427 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: soon.gif Type: image/gif Size: 1060 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: contacting.gif Type: image/gif Size: 1461 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: related.gif Type: image/gif Size: 1004 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>