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Cob: RE: Using this list.Patricia L. MacKenzie ruanmackenzie at hotmail.comFri Nov 3 15:01:21 CST 2000
Hi Shawn, I discovered Reply All or Send all or Cc: with coblist at or addresses you want sent to, to be best. Hi Valerie, What about contacting Charmaine Taylor of Taylor Publishing or Cob Cottage Company? There may be more on the Deatech Archives....I've since forgotten so must apologize >From: "Couch, Valerie" <vcouch at> >Reply-To: "Couch, Valerie" <vcouch at> >To: 'Shawn Honeychurch' <ironfire at>, coblist at >Subject: Cob: RE: Using this list. >Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 12:11:27 +1100 > >Hi All/Shawn, >I've been getting all of the email replies, so I'm guessing they're going >to >the list as they're supposed to. >Is there anyone out there who has had success building with cob in >Australia? Also in regards to Permits etc? >Regards, >Valerie Couch > <<...OLE_Obj...>> >Reporting & Asset Coordinator >OPERATIONS CONTROL GROUP >Phone: (02) 9798 1721 >Fax: (02) 9798 1560 >Mobile: 0403 138 395 >*: vcouch at <mailto:Vcouch at> > > -----Original Message----- > From: Shawn Honeychurch [SMTP:ironfire at] > Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 11:39 PM > To: coblist at > Subject: Cob: Using this list. > > Hi All; > > Is it my imagination or do email replies to this list go to the >specific > person and not the list in general? > > What is the default? > > Shawn > > > >************** IMPORTANT MESSAGE ************** > >The information contained in or attached to this message is intended only >for the people it is addressed to. If you are not the intended recipient, >any use, disclosure or copying of this information is unauthorised and >prohibited. This information may be confidential or subject to legal >privilege. It is not the expressed view of Colonial Limited or any of its >subsidiaries unless that is clearly stated. Colonial cannot accept >liability for any virus damage caused by this message. > >************************************************** > _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at