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Cob: Another Earthquake question

Charmaine R Taylor tms at
Thu Oct 19 16:23:25 CDT 2000

Leichelhem ( or similar) is not cob..its straw coated with clay...big
difference in weight and use.

If the house is P&B and this material is packed in between studs and
forms then it is not loadbearing, and it is highly insulative. You can
also use sawdust and woodchips, not straw, to achieve a very silmilar
wall.  Lehmbauplatte is a mix of straw/clay with reed matting serving as
the sandwich outsides. these panels are made then placed into position
once dried. I thinks its a great idea in climated like mine where its
rainy and humid 6-9 months a year.  Panles can be made ( or bricks,
buyilding forms) inside, and left to dry over months instead of racing
the clock during good weather.

Charmaine  Taylor/ Taylor Publishing
PO Box 6985, Eureka CA 95502