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Cob: Northeast National Tour of Solar Homes Sat. Oct 14

Debra Lombard deblombard at
Thu Oct 12 11:16:23 CDT 2000

The National Tour of Solar Homes will take place this
Saturday October 14th
in the Northeast.

This is a great opportunity for people who are interested in
energy-efficient, solar buildings to visit many different
types of buildings in this nationwide open house.

Hundreds of low energy, solar homes are open to the public
on this free tour as well as schools and businesses. There
are also guided tours. Please feel free to contact me here
at the NESEA office with any questions and happy touring!

For specific information and directions go to

Debra Lombard
Steven Winter Associates
Building Systems Consultants
deblombard at
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The National Tour of Solar Homes will take place this Saturday October
<br>in the Northeast.
<p>This is a great opportunity for people who are interested in energy-efficient,
solar buildings to visit many different types of buildings in this nationwide
open house.
<p>Hundreds of low energy, solar homes are open to the public on this free
tour as well as schools and businesses. There are also guided tours. Please
feel free to contact me here at the NESEA office with any questions and
happy touring!
<p>For specific information and directions go to <a href=""></a><a href=""></a>
<br>Debra Lombard
<br>Steven Winter Associates
<br>Building Systems Consultants
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>deblombard at</html>