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Cob: Weekend Cob Workshop-Great OpportunityProf Joel joel at csus.eduFri Sep 22 19:12:09 CDT 2000
I would like to call your attention to a great opportunity to easily and inexpensively get some hands-on experience mixing cob and building cob walls. Rob Pollacek is having a two day cob workshop in the Sierra Nevada Foothills in Northern California on September 30-October 1. The cost is only $35 to cover the cost of the meals, and free camping is available at the site. The location is in the beautiful Nevada City area at the site of a week long Cob Cottage associated workshop that occurred earlier this summer. The emphasis for the weekend will be on mixing and building with cob, with the opportunity to see how foundations, windows, doorways, electrical, etc. are being incorporated into Madeline's wonderful house. For registration or more info, you can EMAIL Rob at rojopol at or call 530-470-2390. Hope to see you there joel