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Cob: cob in forms,monolithic cob vs blocks of adobe and ballistic resistance?IBXeri at IBXeri at aol.comMon Aug 28 01:55:26 CDT 2000
I readily admit to being a newbie at this but do have questions.I may have overlooked this in the archives if so please redirect me to the appropriate threads. I understand that cob should not be built in long straight lines but adobe blocks can be.I would think that the monolithic nature of cob would make it stronger than adobe blocks not weaker.What am I missing? Is it possible to make a form for a wall and pour/lightly tamp the cob into it and thus build a wall at a faster rate than the 6" to 12" rate.Of course that would put the foot stomping cob makers into high gear.(wonder if the Riverdance people would like to give it a try :) Hate to go here but ..........I live in Oklahoma in tornado alley and would like any info on the ability of cob to stand up to high velocity projectiles.I saw a thread on cob vs bullets but not what I am really looking for.I know there have been tests about 2x4s shot at high velocity at many types of construction I just don't know where to find them.I read somewhere that some people were in a SB home and a tornado passed through their yard and they didn't even realize it.Maybe cob on the inside and SB on the outside for protection and insulation?A quick note to head off not on topic posts......I know that very few structures above ground are safe in a tornado and the safest place is an underground storm shelter and that tornadoes vary greatly in strength.Wouldn't it be great for cobbing if one of our homes withstood this type of storm when more conventional building didn't?That is certainly not to say that I want anyone to suffer that type of damage or risk.A good example is great argument winner.Sorry this was so long. Al