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Cob: Re RegulationsRussel Johnsen wpgweb at yahoo.comSun Aug 27 09:54:57 CDT 2000
Yes. I understand the reason for bulding codes. There are many countries with poor building codes and people suffer because of that. When a company here does not follow code we usually have recourse. Codes seem not to be so stringent as we go into the country but, because of big business have more and more influence on the farm codes and regulations are getting stronger. Codes are basically to protect. But isn't it funny how big business influences code and regulation. We see it all the time in the chemical business, the business of genetics etc. Big money protects itself by influencing code. It takes a long time for the regular guy to get codes to protect himself. The bulding codes are very complex and are being more and more influenced by big business. They also reflect what people 'normally' want in a home. This in itself is good for big business because if fits well with mass selling and huge profits. It is hard to get good coding for small sell, inexpensive ideas like cob and straw. Log cabins have gotten their codes because they sell well to the monied and have become big business. The wilderness cabin of the 60s sure has changed and is not big budget. What will happen with cob and straw bale? It sure would be nice to have some idea of what is the best way to go with them but at the same time not be bound by too much code. RC ===== MistyMorning Designs __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!