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Cob: Re: Ants in my walls.Arthur Petch artpetch at home.comThu Aug 10 08:22:16 CDT 2000
Here is a recipe for getting rid of ants--it's relatively environmentally friendly. Don't know how well it works on carpenter ants but a similar formula seemed to get rid of them in our cabin, where they really got into the fibreglass insulation. 1 tsp boric acid (readily available at pharmacies) (Cleaning agent "Borax") 2 tbsp white sugar 2 cups boiling water Add the first 2 ingredients to the boiling water & stir well. Let it cool. Dip cotton balls into the solution and drop them into a plastic (yogurt, margarine) container with holes punched near the bottom so the ants can enter. Put the lid on the container & place it in the pathways where ants are most abundant. Keep the extra solution sealed in a glass jar away from young children. Check the cotton balls every few days and moisten them if they get dry. This is a relatively weak solution and acts gradually. It is effective because it doesn't kill the ants right away but they keep on eating it and feeding it to the colony until the cumulative effects wipe them out. * * * * * * * * * * * * "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead * * * * * * * * * * * *