Rethink Your Life!
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Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob: Wasp Holes.

Mike Carter and Carol Cannon cobcrew at
Wed Aug 9 23:06:10 CDT 2000

> If you think YOU'VE got troubles, you should see the wasps that are building
> nests into Linda & Ianto's walls.  They burrow in and use mud to build a
> little awning over their hole.
> Linda's thinking tht their next plaster will be something with lime or
> linseed oil.
We have had wasps? bees? do the same on the South side of one of our buildings.  They went right through 1/3" to 1/2" of dried test lime plaster that had been troweled hard and smooth.  The tubes they built were sometimes 2-3 inches long, curved almost like a hook.  Haven't come up with a solution besides more layers of lime plaster.
