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Cob:New Natural House book-Charmaine R Taylor tms at northcoast.comSun Aug 6 22:52:59 CDT 2000
Dave- It mentions papercrete eh? I'm much is written- it it well detailed? I'll have to order a copy from CG and see. Lynn Elizabeths book is also out in hardback, Alternative Construction. It also covers all the same areas with many photos and commentary from Michael Smith, I. Evans and mnay others. Not as much of a textbook as I had thought, I found it well done and thorough for any one new to the ideas. But no price given on my review copy. it's out by John WIley. Thanks, and email me with any questions. Charmaine Taylor Taylor Publishing PO Box 6985, Eureka CA 95502 1-707-441-1632 David Knapp wrote: > >I just recently received my new copy of "The Natural House," by Daniel D. Chiras. The book is a complete guide to healthy, energy-efficient, environmental homes. Dan attended last year's Colorado Natural Building workshop and has made natural building and renewables one of his life passions. The book covers a multitude of natural building techniques including strawbale, straw clay, cob, rammed earth, earthships, earthbag, cordwood masonry, papercrete, bamboo, etc. with discussions for various climate and terrain considerations. In many cases he also includes discussions and sidebars from the various industry experts including Michael G. Smith, Rob Roy, Michael Reynolds (and many, many others) to highlight the various pros and cons of each natural building technique. He also gives many, many construction details from foundations to window bucks to roofing and plastering. The book also encourages various hybrid strategies between different natural building techniques and strongly advocates passive solar designs, with a strong emphasis on energy independence through the use of renewables. The are hundreds of illustrations and B&W photo's to make the many concepts clear and concise. > > Natural building and renewables is a win-win in my book. I consider this book a great bible for showing new comers what exactly natural building is and learning the various techniques that are right for your individual climate and terrain. "The Natural House," author Daniel D. Chiras. The ISBN # is 1-890132-57-8 from Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 468 pages, & $35 retail price. I highly recommend you seek out this book at your favorite retailer as your copy will quickly become your dog-eared natural building reference bible. > > Dave Knapp > > > ____________NetZero Free Internet Access and Email_________ > Download Now > Request a CDROM 1-800-333-3633 > ___________________________________________________________