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Cob: Re: fleece insulationSarah Kopp kopp at Jun 20 23:06:09 CDT 2000
There has been quite a bit of discussion on the strawbale list about using fleese for insulation - roof insulation. In order to preserve the heat in your home, the roof is really the first place to insulate because heat rises. The sb posts discuss the fact that there is a world-wide falling of demand for wool - the fleece market is bottoming out which means you should be able to get them cheap if they are in your area. Also, sprinkling them with borax would act as a fire retardant and pest discourager. Check the solstice strawbale archives for more info. Perhaps in a mild climate a really thick cob wall would make a house comfortable enough if attention were paid to really good roof insulation, passive solar gain and good air-flow patterns worked into the design. Sarah Tsfat, Israel