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Cob: cobbers thumbsJohn Fordice otherfish at home.comMon Jun 19 14:55:21 CDT 2000
COBBERS THUMBS For those of you who don't know, Cobbers Thumbs are a simple wooden hand tool which serves as a cobbing aid. Roughly spherical on one end to fit your hand, & with an about 6" long thumb sized projection on the other end. You hold it in your hand & use it in lieu of your fingers or thumb to integrate new applications of cob into what is already on the wall. Poke that new cob into the old, weave in the straw, & you've got what's going to be a good strong wall !!! When I first started making Cobbers Thumbs in 1995, it seemed appropriate to make 'em real spiffy & so the early ones were lathe turned out of furniture grade hardwood & sanded to a sexy high finish. Sort of like a Cobbers tool, massage aid & sex toy all rolled into one. Beautiful to look at, but unfortunately lots of work to make - ergo, expensive - too bad, cause not too many folks wanted them at $15.00 each which is what I had to charge to make it worth the time involved. BUT NOW COBBERS THUMBS have changed and are available at a new LOW PRICE. I've discovered that I can make even better ones using small diameter tree limb pieces. Plus, they have lots of great individual character. And even better, some of the tree pieces are curved & I can make really cool curved ones that work even better. All in all a big improvement. The new prices are: STRAIGHT...ranging in the diameter from 1" & up to meet your preference.....$3.50 each CURVED.....ditto re diameter & each one is unique...........................$4.75 each COPPER TIPPED.......for longer life, as they do wear out you know...........$2.00 additional each SIX PACK SPECIAL......order FIVE & get a SIXTH ONE do the arithmetic. California residents add 8.25% sales tax Please add $1.00 for packing & $0.50 each for postage. Sorry, no credit cards or COD. Order from: COBBERS THUMBS john fordice 1828 fifth street berkeley, CA 94710 Cob on !!!