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Cob: Cob in CaliforniaCharmaine R Taylor tms at northcoast.comMon Jun 12 19:57:45 CDT 2000
Hi, There is a cob house for sale in Sonora County, a 2 story one, nearly completed, very pretty too!! You can call them to see it without obligation. It has it's own large pond and country landscape viewable from the front window areas, visit the link at to see construction photos I took a couple years ago. I will be uploading the finished pics which I just got from them, the place is perfect! Misha and Elisheva Rauchwerger have spent hundreds of hours creating a favorable natural envioronment in what was once an isolated hillside covered in star thistle. Misha, a naturalist teacher, has planted dozens of fruit trees, constructed garden areas, and built a composting toilet and solar heated shower. A pond at the base of their acerage provides a cool swimming reward after long, hot days of cobbing. And the views of the trees and hills around them is spectacular and private. You can contact them at tel: 209-588-1058. Charmaine Taylor Taylor Publishing PO Box 6985, Eureka CA 95502 1-707-441-1632 Visit online where you can buy books & videos anytime! Laythsul at wrote: > I am in centeral california, and I was wondering if anyone knows of any new > or old cob buildings in this area, or even in California. > Layth.