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Cob: Thin wallsgoshawk at goshawk at gnat.netMon May 8 07:25:52 CDT 2000
In West Africa, Mostly Ghana, but also some in Nigeria and Cameroons as well. It's been a while (20 years or so years ago) but I spent three years there and I wasn't as focused on building then as I am now but I don't recall any wattle and daub and from conversations with my sister and her husband whom spent 10 years over there, I don't think it was used. The clay was red however, I do recall that. On 7 May 00, at 6:56, Sarah Kopp wrote: > Where in Africa? I have seen the round, spiral actually, homes in the > Masai Mara of southern Kenya and the walls are very thin but I think it is > actually wattle and daub. That is, some kind of woven brush framework > that is plastered over. Unfortunately I did not see any under > construction and my focus was on cooking fuel and deforestation at that > time, not housing issues. > > Sarah > Tsfat, Israel > -----Original Message----- > From: goshawk at <goshawk at> > To: Coblist <coblist at> > Date: ùáú 06 îàé 2000 08:30 > Subject: Re: Cob: Thin walls > > Pat Newberry