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Cob: re:BLM Land SaleSANCO Enterprises LLC <Paul & Mary Salas> chansey at earthlink.netFri Mar 17 08:10:06 CST 2000
List Members, Here again is a great opportunity to get some land at a reasonable price and you can buy it from the Federal Government. Don't forget, New Mexico has once again started the Tax Sales again, and the next sale is for Santa Fe County. Check the properties out at BLM places 400 acres on the auction block June 8 and 9 LAS VEGAS ---The federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will host a public auction for 400 acres in the greater Las Vegas Valley June 8 and 9. The sale is authorized by the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1998. The auction will take place over the two days in the Clark County Government Center, Commission Chambers, beginning at 9 a.m. each day. Parcels are sold to the highest bidder for no less than fair market value. Registration for oral bidding will begin at 8:00 a.m. each day of the sale and will continue throughout the auction. All bidders are required to register. Appraisals are still being reviewed by BLM officials, but will be ready for the public no later than May 1. Parcel sizes vary from 1.25 acres up to 42.5 acres and are scattered throughout the Las Vegas Valley. Forty-eight of the 93 parcels are 2.5 acres in size and 22 of the parcels are 1.25 acres in size. Detailed information concerning the sale, including the reservations, sale procedures and conditions, and planning and environmental documents, are available at the Bureau of Land Management, Las Vegas Field Office, 4765 Vegas Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89108, or by calling (702) 647-5114. Some of this information is also available on the Internet at Click on Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act, then you must click on Land Sale Information. Paul Salas General Manager SANCO Enterprises, LLC P.O. Box 45741 Rio Rancho, NM 87174 (505) 238-1485 chansey at