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Cob: a first project/ natural building symposium-Bath, NYsara fishkin sarajoyfishkin at hotmail.comWed Mar 15 08:15:29 CST 2000
hello everyone, i am a newcomer to this list, and a newcomer to the world of natural building. before i ask my question, i want to say that there is a natural building symposium in Bath, NY june 3-10. it sounds great, and if anyone wants details they should email: ketsie at okay heres my project: i would like to build a curved bench for my garden this summer. i want to build it out of cob, and i know what i want it to look like, but i am not sure what to use for the "foundation" or support to make it a strong bench so that anyone can sit on it and so that it could survive eastern PA seasons. i thouhg that this would be a good first project for me to get my hands into the mix and feel what the materials feel like, how they work, etc. but i have never ever done anything of the sort before! so, i am hoping to have some response with good advice, in general, and specifically about the support for the bench. thanks! -sara fishkin ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at