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Cob: Re: Re: living roofWendy Russell at sympatico.caWed Mar 15 08:52:56 CST 2000
Could you elaborate on the solar collecting metal roofs? (ie do you have any drawings or pictures, web site etc??). Also, based on your years of experience - which type of roof would you personally go for ? - earthen, metal - or a combination ? Thanks, Wendy Russell ----- Original Message ----- From: Don Stephens <dsteph at> To: Earth-Friendly and Self-Sufficient Architecture <essa at> Cc: coblist <coblist at> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 1999 3:58 PM Subject: Cob: Re: living roof > On Sat, 11 Mar 2000, Bob Ewing wrote: > > Greetings, I am looking for information on living roofs. Suggestions? > > I've been designing ecohomes with "living roofs" since 1960. About 50% of > my clients choose this approach (most of the rest going to metal over > "ventilation slatting" running both ways on the underlying decking, > drawing off the solar-heated summer air beneath at the ridge to prevent > overheating and running it down ducts with a solar-driven fan to be > distributed through channels in the earth several feet beneath the floor, > thru which last summer's heat returns months later to maintain warmth > against winter losses.) But back to your inquery: > > Planted earth-covered roofs not only greatly increase the effectiveness of > underlying insulation but also control rates of stormwater run-off, > preserve CO2-absorbing greenspace, provide habitat for little critters, > offer natural beauty and put the underlying waterproofing membranes in an > "environment" where they can be safe from UV, freeze/thaw-wet/dry cycling > and physical trauma, for maximum durability. So much for the sermon.... > > Did you have specific questions about living roofs? (Or about annualized > heating based on solar-collecting metal roofs, for that matter?) I'll be > glad to try to answer them....Don Stephens, > "Design Consultant to the Lunatic Fringe" > -: } > > > >