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Cob: Light clay or cobgoshawk at goshawk at gnat.netThu Feb 17 22:08:08 CST 2000
I've been mixing a reasonable amount of straw in my adobe. I sort of call it heavy straw. the line goes like... straw...light clay.....heavy straw ..cob...clay ...granite rock... Well..... maybe. I don't actually think there is a definate answer. Pat On 17 Feb 00, at 9:32, Kelly, Sean wrote: > You know... I was a bit weirded out when the article talked about a cob > house and then in reading found out that it is actually all light straw > clay. I mean, they _are_ related, but light straw clay isn't exactly a > 'form' of cob, is it? Ah, semantics in any case, and a beautiful example > of alternative building. I particularly love the stone entryway around > the door... > Pat Newberry