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Fwd: Re: Cob: bullet resistance of cobs_doane at s_doane at lycosmail.comTue Nov 16 19:00:21 CST 1999
I disagree with Mr. Fetter. This is a valid discussion point for the list. In 1996, in a neighborhood a few miles away from mine in metro Phoenix, an beautiful, innocent teenage girl was killed while sleeping in her bedroom by a random bullet from a driveby shooter on the adjacent street. She lived in a typical stick and drywall house. A senseless tragedy that caused a lot of grief in that community. I have a daughter her age. I wouldn't impute everyone who expresses a concern like Mr. Walsers with a bad motive. There are criminals and crazies out there who are out of anyone's control. Precaution seems prudent action against such folks. ---- you wrote: > With respect, I'd prefer that this discussion was carried on off-list. I'm > not only uninterested in the bullet resistance of cob, but find the prospect > of the discussion goes completely against the principles which have led me > to consider cob (or other environmentally sound building practices) in the > first place. > > Like Jon, I have concerns about the flimsiness of modern construction > techniques. My take, though, is that the energy invested in making > buildings should reap benefits not only for this generation, but subsequent > ones. > > Tom Fetter. > > >From: Jon K.Walser <jon.walser at> > >Reply-To: Jon K.Walser <jon.walser at> > >To: <coblist at> > >Subject: Cob: bullet resistance of cob > >Date: 16 Nov 99 10:55:38 EST > > > >One of the things that I hate about home construction (one of many) is > >how flimsy everything is. Hopefully not too many on the list will take > >offense if I opine that a home should offer protection against more than > >cold and wind. > > > >In that vein, has anyone done any testing of how a properly build cob > >wall stands up to bullet impact? > > > >____________________________________________________________________ > >Get free email and a permanent address at > > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at > ----------------------------------------------------- Get free personalized email at