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Cob: Getting off the coblist / switching to digest modeShannon C. Dealy dealy at deatech.comTue Jul 20 12:50:56 CDT 1999
On Tue, 20 Jul 1999 thulin at wrote: > It this the correct address to get my name removed > from the coblist? [snip] > P.S. Is there a list I can get on that will occasionally update > me on what's going on in the world of cob?? If so, please > let me know . . . thanks! To remove yourself from the coblist, send an email from the email account that you used to subscribe to the list, to: majordomo at In the BODY (not subject) of the email place the following line: unsubscribe coblist if you are subscribed to the digest version of the list it should instead be: unsubscribe coblist-digest If you would like to switch to the digest mode of the coblist - you get all the information, but alot fewer individual messages. In digest mode, messages are grouped together so that they form a single larger email containing around 40,000 characters (usually between 5 and 20 messages per email). To switch to the digest mode, send email to majordomo at with the following lines in the BODY (not subject) of the message: subscribe coblist-digest unsubscribe coblist And finally, if you ever wish to browse the archives, find out how to remove yourself from the list, check the list policies, etc., all information about the coblist is available at: Shannon C. Dealy | DeaTech Research Inc. dealy at | - Custom Software Development - | Embedded Systems, Real-time, Device Drivers Phone: (800) 467-5820 | Networking, Scientific & Engineering Applications or: (541) 451-5177 |