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Cob: OT: attribution correctionSojourner sojournr at missouri.orgTue Jul 13 09:24:24 CDT 1999
I've been getting e-mail from this guy - he's all up in arms because he feels that I have somehow impugned his reputation or something. It took a couple of e-mail messages to sort out what the heck had him so upset - turns out that he feels that I was attributing in my response something directly to him which he had in fact forwarded to the list. OK, fine, I didn't bother to change the auto-header my mail browser sticks on there when I hit reply-to the forwarded message. So, on that message pertaining to outdoor potties (the last one that came across this list, probably the last one for a long while) the attribution line SHOULD have read: "William Lewis says that H. Lewis wrote" instead of just what Netscape stuck on there, "William Lewis wrote" Mea culpa, gee whiz! So if anybody was worried about it, there, its all straightened out now. Holly ;-D