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Cob: Re: Please Help, listers please read thisSojourner sojournr at missouri.orgThu Jul 1 09:53:29 CDT 1999
Somebody trying to run Liberaro at's life wrote: > > By the way, are you aware that outdoor toliets and outhouses > can explode from a single match and blow up one whole block > in area? Oh, my god, how ignorant can you get? What, you think a properly built outhouse is the same as a methane digester? Where did you come up with this piece of ignorant stupidity? I have NEVER HEARD of somebody's outhouse exploding. What is this, an urban myth? Do you believe the story about the woman who found her Doberman choking on a finger, and thus found the rapist hiding in her house, too? How about the one about the alleged kidney stealing ring, where they were supposedly targeting business travelers in hotels, slip the guy a mickey, carry him up to his room (yeah, like the bartender and hotel employees aren't going to notice somebody lugging an unconscious guest out of the bar) and the hapless business traveler wakes up in a tub full of ice with an incision in his lower back and a note taped to the mirror telling him to go to the hospital. What kind of credulous idiocy is this? Hey, I wish it WAS true, then I could tap my own source of natural gas for cooking and heating. Shee-whiz! Holly ;-D