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Cob: Re: Re: Please Help, listers please read this

William Lewis wmlewis at
Thu Jul 1 08:11:31 CDT 1999

Dear Mom in trouble and coblisters:

I am new to the coblist and I think the people who sent you the responses
you got should be ashamed. After I read your letter last night I thought to
mysef, "OK, now let's see what kind of people these cobbers really are."
Well, I think I got my answer. To respond to a distress call with lectures
in inhumane. And to assume you are ignorant (It was clear to me from your
first letter you are not) demonstrates a lack ability to reason well.

If all you got were the lectures indicated by your clips, then perhaps you
cannot be faulted for kicking the coblist dust off your shoes and continuing
on your own path in life.

To the lecturers: We don't need it. We've heard it all before. Anyone who
begins to learn about sustainable building is literally assaulted with the
"work with the code" line.  If this movement is going to characterize itself
as some religion with dogmas it's members must adhere to for acceptance,
then count me out, too.

I think educating the code regulators is vitally important, and for the
those who have the temperament, time, money, and ability to work on that
ASPECT of sustainable building, more power to you. But try to open a little
room in your minds for people who might just need a roof over their heads,
who just want to live the way they want.

Have comfort in the fact that everyone involved in the coblist is here to
learn from you, but also remember we are all extremely independent folks who
are going to make our own decisions. There are a lot of anarchists in this
country and perhaps in the sustainable building movement, too. I think we
can learn from and tap the energies of ALL who believe in sustainable
building. So try to avoid alienating others with flip responses (I've seen
some doozies recently) or lectures.

Thanks for listening.

William Lewis

-----Original Message-----
From: Liberaro at <Liberaro at>
To: mzan at <mzan at>; coblist at <coblist at>
Date: Thursday, July 01, 1999 3:50 AM
Subject: Cob: Re: Please Help, listers please read this

>In a message dated 6/30/99 10:42:03 PM EST, mzan at writes:
>Thank you very much for responding to my call for help.  However, I cannot
>BELIEVE the response I got from you.

  i am asking for the right to not be made homeless (or
>worse, have my children ripped from me) because someone out there is trying
>to "protect" me.  with those kinds of friends, who needs enemies!
take back my entire letter and pretend you never heard of me, please.