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Cob: Lama (over), MREA Fair (now), Rico (soon), and Ecotopia (coming quick)Mark Piepkorn duckchow at mail2.greenbuilder.comSat Jun 19 11:38:41 CDT 1999
I hope everyone not reading this because they're at the fantastic Renewable Energy Fair in Amherst WI is having a great time. If you've never been, you're missing an incredible thing even as I write. * Back from Build Here Now at Lama in Taos County NM, I'm waiting for Sun Ray to get here so we can leave to go back up there for a one-day Solstice Cob Sling; then off to Sundial Village in Rico CO for the Natural Building Workshop there. Nice to see a couple of the teachers that were at Lama will be at Rico too (Cedar Rose, Sun Ray, Tom Watson)... and getting together with the likes of Bill Christensen, Doni Kiffmeyer and Kaki Hunter, not to mention host Keith Lindauer, is always kewl. Looking forward to finally meeting Michael Reynolds. The schedule for Rico is looking like this: 1999 Colorado Natural Building Workshop, June 24-27th Thursday - All functions for Thursday are at Rico Theater (RT) 2-6pm Registration and check ins 5pm Welcome and Introductions 6:30pm Atlas Arcology - Slide Show Presentation on Natural Building 8pm Doni Kiffmeyer and Kaki Hunter - Slide Show Presentation on Earthbag Construction Friday 6:30-8:30am Breakfast ~ Cantina 8am Morning Coffee with Catherine Wanek and Mark Piepkorn - The Last Straw/Black Range Films (Sadly, I don't drink coffee, and don't really work for Black Range Films... grin... - Mark) 9:30am Introduction: Strawbale Demonstration Project ~ Casita 11am Introduction: Earthbag Demonstration Project ~ Casita 12-1pm Lunch 1pm Introduction: Cob Demonstration 3pm Bill Christensen - Internet Demonstration; Discussion ~ RT 4:30pm Steve Berlant - Slide Show on Natural Building ~ RT 6pm Dinner ~ Cantina 7pm Gary Duncan - Slide Show of West Slope Colorado Sustainable Building Projects ~ RT 8pm Mike Reynolds - Earthship Updates ~ RT Saturday 6:30-8am Breakfast ~ Cantina 8am StrawCrafters: Strawbale Presentation ~ RT 9am Scott Ely and Bruce Erikson - Renewable Energy Presentation/Demonstration ~ Griebel Earthship 9-11am Mike Reynolds - On site at the Griebel Earthship 10am Tom Wuelpern - Rammed Earth Demonstration 11am Tom Bennett - Setting up a simple metal forge at home ~ Cantina 12-1pm Lunch 1pm Steve Berlant - Lime Plaster Demonstration ~ Casita 2:30pm Cedar Rose - Earth Plasters, Natural Paints ~ Casita 3:30pm Mike Hannigan - Discussion on Natural Based Sewage Systems ~ Casita 4:30pm Tom Wuelpern - Rammed Earth Slide Show ~ RT 6pm Dinner ~ Cantina 7pm Catherine Wanek and Mark Piepkorn - Slide Show ~ RT (Since I personally don't have a slide show, I'll be making shadow animals with my hands - Mark) 9pm SunRay's Slide Show of Natural Building ~ Cantina Sunday 7am Pancake Breakfast ~ Cantina 8am Morning Coffee with Tom Watson - Discussion Sewage Treatment Ultra Violet Light ~ Cantina 9am Maggie Remington - Financing your alternative home ~ Cantina 10am Susie Harrington - Holistic site planning, slide show and discussion ~ RT 11am John Sir Jesse - Herb Walk ~ Cantina 1pm Keith Lindauer - Biodiesel and Farewell Comments ~ Cantina Schedule Subject to Change It's not too late to go... want to know more? Ask Keith at <keithl at> * For the more adventurous and travel-minded, you might think about Romania in August: From: "Ecotopia" <ecotopia at> Subject: Ecotopia reminder! ----------------------------------------------------- E C O T O P I A 9 9 R O M A N I A a u g u s t 1 s t - 2 1 s t C O M M U T I N Y A U T O N O M O U S Z O N E communities taking control of their own futures ----------------------------------------------------- ECOTOPIA is our social ecological utopia which appears in august once a year every year. This year ecotopia has the general theme of sustainable rural communities: traditional and intentional. Our power will be generated by the sun and the wind. Energized by the 400-600 activists gathered to share their knowledge, mix art with action, learn, link and think. MANIFEST the virtual community by making space for three weeks in august in Romania. Our time to gather and combine our resources and ideas for the coming year, to inspire and live the vision of our COMMUTINY. Permaculture, micro-economics, yoga, composting, genetic engineering, music, anarchism, eco-community design, bicycle repair, art, direct action training, veganism, dealing with the media, fundraising tips, counter-globalisation, music, theatre, renewable energy, eco-construction - free strawbale house workshop. ----------------------------------------------------- Dear activists! This is a quick reminder from the Ecotopia 99 organisers in Romania, to say that if you haven't sent us an application form and you would like to come, then send it as soon as possible!! (see below) We are getting a lot of applicants, and we need to know how much food to buy! Also remember that the participation fee is only 15 ecos per day if you apply in advance, but 20 if you just turn up. Want more info? Email <ecotopia at> We've got a beautiful place; loads of workshops already arranged (but we still need more...!); delicious veggie and vegan catering lined up; and as far as we know the total solar eclipse is still scheduled for the 11th... ----------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION FORM *PERSONAL DETAILS Full Name: Date of Birth: Sex (M/F): Address: Country: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: *DATES Date you will ARRIVE: Date you will LEAVE: *SKILLS AND MOTIVATION Skills (for example, music, cooking, theatre, yoga, translation...): It would be brilliant if you would like to give a workshop! - If so, on what subject(s)? What's your motivation for coming to Ecotopia 99 (please think about this a little bit, don't just write "to meet people", "to get a suntan", etc.)? *TRAVEL How will you travel to Ecotopia? Are you willing for us to give your details to other people in your area? (so you can arrange to travel together) [ YES / NO ] Are you in an organisation/group? [ YES / NO ] Name: Can you publicise Ecotopia? [ YES / NO ] Can you act as a local contact point for travel? [ YES / NO ] *RETURNING THIS FORM Please send this form to: <ecotopia at> or by normal mail or fax (but email is more ecological) to: ECOTOPIA APPLICATIONS, OP nr 12, CP 986 1900 TIMISOARA ROMANIA Fax: +40-(56)-199137 Please send it as soon as possible to increase your chance of being selected (if we get too many applicants we may have to limit the number of people from one group). *** PLEASE RETURN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SO WE KNOW HOW MUCH FOOD TO BUY!! *** Also use the above addresses if you have any other questions, comments or suggestions.