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Cob I need some help...Mark Lamberth mark at efn.orgMon May 31 13:47:32 CDT 1999
Hi everybody, Mark Lamberth here. I was an apprentice with the Cob Cottage Company in the summer of 1996, and have done alot of cob building since then. I'm planning on hosting a week-long cob course here in Eugene, OR at the end of June. I've had a heck of a time getting enrollment up for the workshop, and I wonder if any of you can help me out. The course is called "Building with cob and round wood." It is a basics cob course with added emphasis on working with non-milled round poles for the roof structure. Michael Smith will come up to be the main instructor along with Robert Kurzfeld, a builder from California with alot of experience in working with round wood. All meals for the week are included in the (reduced) price of $350. Camping is also included. This will be an excellent cob course. I've chosen instructors that I think will work very well together. I really want this course to happen, but I need to get more people enrolled. So, here's an offer: I'll send a check for 10% of the enrollment fee to anyone that sends an enrollee my way. Or, if any of you read this and want to take the course, I'll take 10% off the fee. Also, if any of you have any ideas of how to better advertise a workshop (than plastering this town and a few others with flyers, and advertising in the Cob Cottage Workshop schedule), please drop me a line. I'm realizing that advertising for a workshop is an art in itself. Folks can e-mail or call me at (541) 342-4165. Thanks alot! Mark Lamberth