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Cob Natural Building & Permaculture ConvergenceMark Piepkorn duckchow at mail2.greenbuilder.comThu May 13 08:39:28 CDT 1999
This is intended to be an advisement of an opportunity, not an advertisement. * A Natural Building & Permaculture Convergence, June 6-12 1999, at the Lama Foundation in Taos County, New Mexico. Co-sponsored by The Permaculture Drylands Institute, The Lama Foundation, and The Last Straw Journal. Lama Foundation is situated on 105 acres of high alpine desert in northern New Mexico, altitude 8600 feet. The land is regenerating in the wake of the 1996 7000-acre Hondo Fire. Featured Workshop Presenters & Their Topics NATURAL BUILDING John Murray, Timber Framer, Taos NM - Sustainable Timber Harvesting Janice Vascott, Architect, Santa Fe NM - Passive Solar Design Sun Ray Kelley, Natural Builder, Oregon - Organic Architecture & Log Joinery Carole Crews, Gourmet Adobe, Taos NM - Natural Plasters Robert Laporte, Founder, Econest Building Company, Santa Fe NM - Straw-clay Infill & Timber Framing Frank Meyer, Natural Builder, Austin TX - Straw Bale Walls & Earthen Floors Paula Baker-Laporte, Architect, Baubiologist, and Author of Prescriptions for a Healthy House, Santa Fe NM - The Healthy Home Cedar Rose Guelberth, Designer, Consultant & Natural Building Supplier - Building for Health & Natural Plasters Len Meserve, Passive Solar Natural Builder, Tesuque NM - Glass & Glazing Alan Reeves, Mason, Santa Fe NM - Russian Stove Design & Construction Jann Rucquoi, Natural Builder, Nevada - Earthbags PERMACULTURE Peter Bane, The Permaculture Activist, Black Mountain NC - Eco-village Design Albert Bates, Ecovillage Network of the Americas, Summertown TN - Ecovillage Design & Y2K Planning Ben Haggard, Regenesis Collaborative Development Group, Santa Fe NM - Permaculture Principles & Practices; The Lama Site Plan: A Permaculture Case Study Joel Glanzberg, Designer, Teacher, & Consultant, Fairview NM - Toolmaking Jonathan Scharfman, Regenesis Collaborative Development Group, Santa Fe NM - Intro to Permaculture & Watershed Management Richard Zook, Lama Foundation, San Cristobal NM - Fire Ecology, Erosion Control, & Forest Restoration Dan Dorsey, Designer & Teacher, Tucson AZ - Local Currency Systems Toby Hemenway, Permaculturist, Oregon - Plant Guilds & Creating Living Soil Michael Lockman, Designer & Teacher, Seattle WA - Food Forests Vishu Magee, Architect, Taos NM - Archetype Design Brad Lancaster, Designer & Teacher, Tucson AZ - Edible & Medicinal Insects Tammy Davis, Gardener, Santa Fe NM - Mushrooms & Vermiculture Susan Garrett, Herbalist, Albuquerque NM - Native Medicinal Herbs Bill Roley & Gabriel Howarth, Permaculture Institute of So California - Food Forests Chris Meuli, Permaculturist, Edgewood NM - Path Design Cathy Hope, Herbalist/Gardener, Taos NM - High Alpine Gardening Cath Conlon, Blackwood Building Group, Houston TX - Community Relationship to Land APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY Bert Lopez, Natural Builder, Albuquerque NM - Cistern Building Alan Sindelar, Positive Energy, Inc, Santa Fe NM - Photovoltaic Electric Systems Ron Sutcliffe, Ecological Designer, New Mexico - Composting Toilets Tom Watson, Ecological Designer, Santa Fe NM - Designing Biological Waste Treatment Systems COMMUNITY Lama Residents, Lama Foundation, San Cristobal NM - Intentional Community and others as yet unconfirmed... Schedule of events - Opening Circle at 2pm, June 6. Closing Circle at 3pm, June 12. Daytime activities will focus on the "blitz-build" of a timber-framed Solar Arc Classroom of straw-bale, adobe, straw-clay and cob, with natural plasters. A concurrent Permaculture curriculum will feature principles of design and hands-on workshops. Evening events will include video and slide presentations, dances, music, fire circles, sharing councils and a Friday Shabbat Ceremony with the Lama community. Cost (includes meals & lodging) - $550. Children 5-16 half price. (Childcare, hikes, play, and natural building opportunities available for ages 5-16.) Cost includes three vegetarian meals per day and on-site lodging. On location: yurt and tent with beds can accommodate 20. Tent sites for 100 campers. Hotels and campgrounds available in Taos and Questa (at additional cost). Cost per day - $80. For more information and registration contact Permaculture Drylands Institute, Attn: 1999 Convergence, PDI, PO Box 156, Santa Fe, NM 87504-0156. Visa/Mastercard payments may be phoned in 505-983-0663, faxed 505-986-0339, mailed, or e-mailed <pdrylands at>