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Cob [Fwd: [Fwd: Re: Internship posting]]Keith Breuker flyfisherkb at centuryinter.netSat Apr 3 22:30:33 CST 1999
I am posting this for Jayne Walker: Keith > INTERNS, APPRENTICES, RETREATANTS, VOLUNTEERS > > This message is coded for the adventurous > Join us in the summer of 1999 for the designing and building of an > Eco-Learning Center. In our first year, a core group is forming to > create the framework for Permaculture, cultivate food for Community > Supported Agriculture (CSA), and attend workshops in sustainable > agricultural practices and building techniques. To become a member of > this core group experience, or a willingness to learn and much > enthusiasm, is required (send resume). A sound body and a creative mind > are understood. Knowledge of organic growing, Biodynamics, Permaculture, > or any natural farming techniques will useful. Participants will camp on > site. Conditions are primitive. For this first summer, our primary > focus will be to cultivate 2-3 acres of organic vegetables for a small > CSA and local farm market. People skills are useful for interaction > with participants and subscribers of the CSA. Workshops on strawbale > construciton, Permaculture, alternative energy, and sustainable > agriculture will be free to core group. Some time will be spent in > creating the ground rules for "community" and designing a plan for > sustainable community on site for future camps. Expect to work hard, > enjoy the outdoors, learn about sustainability and yourself. Questions > email walke106 at or write Jayne Walker, 10277 E. Bingham > Road, Traverse City, MI. 49684. > > *************************************************** > "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be > those who cannot read and write, > but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn" > > Jayne Leatherman Walker > Ndibendaagwaz, an Eco-Learning Center > 10277 E. Bingham Road > Traverse City, MI 49684-9551 > email: walke106 at > > ---------------------------------------------------------------