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Cob production cob workshopcoblist Conference @ XINCLXcoblist at txinfinet.comWed Mar 3 08:02:01 CST 1999
"Production Cob" for 6 only For cobbers who have completed a cob workshop or with comparable experience. How much does making cob really cost? You can accelerate cob wall building. An intensive cob wall building workshop will be held southwest of Austin, Texas, at Ledgestone, a prototype Eco-Settlement in-progress on 9 acres, March 20-23. The foundation and first 6 feet of wall of this two-story structure are in place. Help experiment and quantify different mixing and placing techniques. Bring your own ideas and test them out with experienced cob leaders. $300 tuition includes primitive campsites, composting toilets, cooking your food by campfire. Tipi and tent available for a nominal fee. To register, contact Yvonne Hansen <geminideas at> or phone 512/447-0459. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Sustainable Sources: Internet Services with an Environmental Perspective BBS 512.462.0633 Telnet:// WWW