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Cob light clay straw compression

Duane/Dorothy Lindstrom cboy at
Mon Feb 8 16:00:36 CST 1999

I am attempting to do some cost estimating for the use of light
clay (90% straw/10% clay) for infill walls.  Does anyone know
approximately how much finished light clay (by volume) one can
expect from a normal 12 cubic foot, 3 string bale of straw?  I
realize the bale is compressed and will have a larger volume as
loose straw but I also understand that the finished light clay
must be tamped (compressed) to some extent within the lay-up
forms.  Has anyone seen some sort of conversion factor for this or
know by experience the approximate cubic footage of wall which can
be produced by a cubic foot of baled straw?

Dewey Lindstrom
The Ojibwe Nation
Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538
cboy at