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Cob evaluating road gravel slab

Don Stephens dsteph at
Wed Feb 3 22:34:42 CST 1999

On Sat, 30 Jan 1999, Keith Breuker wrote:

> I'm looking for three or four temperature sensors that I could bury at
> different locations in my compacted clay and gravel slab.  I expect this
> will help me evaluate its performance, particularly if I am losing heat
> to the earth.  
> Does anyone have knowledge of such things that could make a
> recomendation?  I don't want to spend much if it can be avoided.

Try the ~$10 electronic units with an indoor sensor and an "outdoor" one
at the end of a wire.  Use the indoor readings to check air temp and put
the ones on the wires in tubes down into the slab.  These are availible
from auto part stors, JCWhitney, tool co. catalogs and Radio Shack, among