Rethink Your Life!
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Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob wires

Michael Saunby mike at Chook.Demon.Co.UK
Thu Jan 21 13:25:16 CST 1999

On 21 January 1999 18:49, TraceyRed at [SMTP:TraceyRed at] wrote:
> Could you lay pvc pipe in the walls and run the wiring through them? 
 That way
> when you needed to repair or replace them, they would be easily 

I'd also suggest using the idea in "How buildings learn" of photographing 
any hidden pipes, ducts, wires, studs, etc, before they get hidden.  Any 
house worth having will out live the services you install so knowing where, 
and even what they are will be important in 10, 20, 30, 40, 50... years 
times.  Just think what the services in a 100 year old house might be, lead 
water pipes, lead gas pipes for lights, and not a great deal more.  Today 
you might put cables for mains powered lights, TV coax, phones in every 
room.  Next year your lights will be low voltage and closer to the floor, 
your TV, computers, phones, etc. will use microwave signals to exchange 
data so very few cables will be needed........

> I'm definitely not speaking from experience.  I'm still in the planning 
> of doing my first cob project (a cob oven).

I doubt experience would help anyway.

Michael Saunby