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Cob Recommended books & resources?mpayson at mpayson at eskimo.comWed Dec 9 23:57:43 CST 1998
I'm in the process of compiling a website with book reviews of any recommended books & other resources (websites, classes, etc.). While my main focus is currently on Cob & Strwbale, I want to provide a fairly comprehensive reference for all alternative construction methods (Cordwood, earthships, rammed earth, & any others I should be aware of.) and sustainable building practices (graywater systems, solar & other energy systems, composting toilets, etc.). Resources on homesteading, sustainable agriculture & such will also be included. What I'm hoping for is any suggestions of books and resources-- both good & bad, in print and out-- and any short reviews you are willing to contribute. Your contributions will be credited, or you may remain anonymous if you wish. If you wish to include a URL or email address to include with your review, feel free to do so. Even if you don't want to write a review, please send any titles or links that you like. Thanks! Mike -- ~~ mailto:mpayson at ~~ "When I get a little money, I buy books; If any is left, I buy food and clothes." ~~~~ Desiderius Erasmus ~~~~