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Cob helpthenewbieAndrew Felger FA9795 at wheeler.northland.eduThu Nov 12 23:05:33 CST 1998
hello My name is andy felger and i am hoping to construct a cob dwelling anywhere from a tool shed to an organic agriculture resource center. I have just subscribed ti the list, read the rules and hope this is appropriate email content for the coblist(if it is not contact me at fa9795 at, not to get off the subject though) Anyhow this hopefully is not any cob dwelling. I am a student at northland college and this will be the next step in the direction of a more sustainable campus and educating other students, and nonstudent community members in our town about sustainable development, organic agriculture and maybe even things like appropriate technology trends like solar, etc you know it all. I have many questions to ask and will hopefully find answers in the azrchives but this subject I have not found there. Before I even bother with cob I need to find money to fund this project. The school will not fund the project, many grant foundations require the receptionists to not be a school, there is a campus organization to apply under but it does not yet have 501(c)3 status. Do you have any ideas, thoughts, or leads? Money hungry in ashland WI Andy Felger fa9795 at