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Cob Re: Digest version of the COB list.Shannon C. Dealy dealy at deatech.comThu Nov 5 01:55:48 CST 1998
On Wed, 4 Nov 1998, b wrote: > You stated :This change will not affect those of you who are subscribed to > the > digest version of the list.. How do I get on the digest version of the > list? Thank you, Preston Bell To change to the digest version of the list, send an email message to majordomo at with the following lines in the body of the message subscribe coblist-digest unsubscribe coblist Currently the digest mode is set up to only generate and send out a digest when there are enough messages to fill a digest, unlike some lists which generate at least one digest every day, even if only one message has been received by the list. This means that there may be several days or even a week or two between digests depending on list traffic. Shannon C. Dealy dealy at