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Cob RE: cob codes

Paul Valerio valeri at
Sun Sep 20 17:54:40 CDT 1998

M J Epko wrote:

>         Some folks may realize that the three major code organizations in the US
> are closing shop. They won't be issuing any more updates, and are putting
> their support behind the International Building Code which is slated for
> full rollout in 2000.

>       Anyway, this "international" code, like the codes that exist already, is
> free to be adopted, rejected, or amended by municipalities, but it's expected that
> everywhere will switch over.

Does "everywhere" include rural areas that do not presently have building codes?
Will it be retroactive?  Just what exactly does this mean for the average wanna-be
cobber contemplating a move to the countryside?  Should we get our cob cottages
built before the year 2000?

Fearful and paranoid but burning with righteous indignation,
Paul V.