Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob Another one for you

Rog rogb at
Wed Sep 16 20:09:39 CDT 1998

Good morning sunshines,

Got chatting to some cobber about cobbin' last night over a beer.  Ok, I
lied, there were several and many beers involved, but that's not the point.

This person hit me with another concept.  The deal is:  Collect as much in
the way of off-cut timber as you can, or move through a logging coup just
before they burn it and remove any 'useless' timber that's between about 4
and 10 inches in diameter.  Debark thoroughly.
Cut to about 18 inch lengths (assuming this is the width of your
wall-to-be) and lay them along your wall line with no particular reference
to sizes, shapes, etc., though do make sure they all run perpendicular to
the wall line (much like a stack of fire-wood, really).
Plug the gaps with cob, then do another layer.  Getting the picture?
With this technique, the way I imagine it, one could reduce the amount of
actual cob material (be it traditional, saw-dust, or whatever), to about 25
- 50% of a 'solid' cob wall, whilst also making a lighter wall with higher
compressive strength (it's pretty hard to squash a bit of wood and it's
bloody hard to make it fall apart with a high-pressure hose).  Furthermore,
a few bottles could be interspersed here and there, and one could cob all
the way to the top in one day as the hydro-static pressure is restricted to
the 'micro-climate' between each chunk of wood -- it's the bits of wood
that to the collective weight supporting.

Also, I'm guessing that in even a lightly-treed area, the trees cut down to
make a space for one's house would provide more than enough in-fill, as

Once completed, the wall could be covered with your preferred finish to
keep the animals and elements out.

Better go do some 'real' work now, Rog.