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Cob cob session at moonshadow!Ashley Gilbert mediarights at Bledsoe.NetFri Sep 4 12:00:35 CDT 1998
Please feel free to forward the following message: COME TO A COB WORK WEEKEND AT MOONSHADOW SEPTEMBER 11 - 13, 1998 We'll be finishing up the walls of our new cob structure - we'd love to have your help! Cob is a mixture of sand, straw, clay and water which is mixed by foot and applied by hand! It's great fun and we'd love to show y'all how to do it! We're only asking for the regular $5/day and are expecting folks to help out with cooking, cleaning and cobbing all weekend long! Don't worry - we've got homebrew for Saturday night! Call us for directions and if you have any questions - you'll want to bring a tent (if you have one), bedding, a flashlight, indoor shoes, outdoor shoes and shoes you don't mind slipping cobby feet in. hope to see you there - The Moonshadow Crew (423) 949-5922 or e mailto:mediarights at ps. keep your eyes and ears open about our second natural building workshop (plastering for walls, tile floors and sod roof), nov. 9-15 - email if you're interested!!! --