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Cob RE: cob codesOtherfish at Otherfish at aol.comTue Aug 25 01:33:34 CDT 1998
To John Schinnerer John Yes - that will be the trick - to write the code so that it is broad enouigh to allow for regional, material, climatic and idiosyncratic differences What I think is going to happen is: -a thorough laboratory level testing of cob ( in as many itterations as is possible - this is a key component to the issue you raise ) will reveal its actual physical properties.... ie: ability to withstand applied loads ( compression, tension. shear) -this can be used to predict performance to the types of loads that will occur in a building -these predictions can then be tested -this is basic scientific method & will bing us to a clearer understanding of the actual physical limits of cob than we now have -one of the goals of the research will be to develope a simple set of field tests that can be performed at low or no cost & use to establish the limits of a specific co mixture/situation. -combining this with a set of realistic standards ie: if your cob is strong enough - no matter what its components, mixing variables are -then you will be able to build to the limits that that strength has been tested to withstand. seems pretty straight forward to me it will be a challenge to do this & write a realistic code that allows max variation & freedom - but it is a worthwhile goal it really does need to be done if cob is to reach into the world of thr great unmuddied !!! hope this helps what are your thoughts on this? regards cob on john fordice TCCP otherfish at