Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob a cob code mission for all cobbers day

Otherfish at Otherfish at
Tue Aug 18 00:50:41 CDT 1998

I missed something

what was sloppy?

Science is what makes it possible for us to shre our thoughts thru this
computer screen - it what put people on the moon - its what has enabled us to
not only remember the Titanic, but to find her & learn form her tragedy -
medicine is science & how many of us would not be here to take part inthis
birth of cob if it was not for modern medicine - I know I would have long
since been pushin up daisies were it not for the hard won benefits of
enquiring minds.

how can we do less?

cob on
code on