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Cob a cob code mission for all cobbers dayPatrick Newberry goshawk at gnat.netMon Aug 17 05:37:02 CDT 1998
Very good point! Heck all types of building have failed at one time or another. Hey, nothing is 100 percent safe. I get in a car everyday, and I have a much much greater chance of being injured than being in a building. Pat > From: <Ecoarcht at> > Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 08:56:41 EDT > To: coblist at > Subject: Re: Re: Cob a cob code mission for all cobbers day > Reply-to: coblist at > Please site to me what cob structure fell and killed its occupants. I know of > adobe and rammed earth that have failed but not cob ... yet. ~~howard > > "There is No Hope, but I may be wrong."