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Cob UPDATE: NW open natural building symposium statusJohn Schinnerer JohnS at STLabs.comWed Jun 10 17:00:41 CDT 1998
Aloha, The NW Open natural building symposium scheduled for July 1-7 at Pragtree/WAIL farm is not going to happen as originally planned, unfortunately, due to lack of sufficient advance sign-ups. However, the Pragtree/WAIL community folks are planning to carry on with a less formal (and considerably less expensive) open "work party" event during those same days. Call them for further information if you are interested in spending some time in a beautiful rural NW Washington place helping and learning with the various projects they have under way (cob, cob/cordwood, straw bale, etc.). The phone number there is (360) 403-0185. John Schinnerer