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Cob Code approved cob & Fibrous cementLUKE STANSON luketheeduke at hotmail.comThu Jun 4 22:18:02 CDT 1998
>From: Will Firstbrook WCB of BC <wfirstbr at> >To: "'Cob List'" <coblist at> >Subject: Cob Code approved cob & Fibrous cement >Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 10:34:01 -0700 >Reply-To: coblist at > > Will, would you please post and/or send me a copy of Allens paper crete ideas. Perhaps these may work into my cob building. Hi Cobbers, > >I had a recent visit with Ianto after attending Wesak and taking the >kids to Disney. He is really excited about a workshop on (Maine?) >island near Vancouver Island in Canada. The reason is it will be the 1st >code approved load bearing cob structure in recent history. All previous >code approved cob buildings are post and beam approved with cob in-fill. >In-fact the code inspectors are taking the two week course and are >totally eager and supportive of the project. The implications about this >is that since there will be a precedent it will be easier to get cob >buildings approved. He also mentioned that due to previous interest >they have added an additional thatching workshop this year. I don't have >the dates handy. > >Also on the Earthfriendly and Self-Sufficient Architecture list there is >a real interesting discussion of a new construction material that is >quite innovative. It is called fibrous cement which is 10% cement, 30% >sand, and 60% wet paper. All blended together make a very strong >lightweight highly insulative material that is very cheap and easy to >work with. They usually pour into bricks and mortar them together with >more fiber cement. People are building homes for under $1 per square >foot. If people are interested I can post Allen Gooch's original e-mail >all about this material. > >Regards, >Will > > Thanks in advance! Your friend Luke. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at