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Bella Coola Cob Workshop

vtrac at vtrac at
Fri Jun 5 01:03:32 CDT 1998

Basics of Cob Building Workshop in Bella Coola, British Columbia
July 5 - 11
Cost - $500 Canadian

For anyone out there interested in a basics of cob workshop on the mid
coast of BC, join us in a unique cross-cultural experience working together
with members of the Nuxalk Nation. The work in progress is the building of
a cob community cafe on the Bella Coola River, a gathering place for the
Nuxalk people and their guests.

The Bella Coola region is within the largest contiguous tracts of temperate
rainforest left on earth.  It is a land of dramatic extremes - high, steep
snow-capped mountains and long, deep fjords. It is also one of the most
heavily logged bioregions on earth.  Many Nuxalk are concerned about the
massive logging within their territory and anxious to demonstrate to a
broader international community viable alternatives to clearcutting their

We are now into our second year after a very fun and inspiring first summer
of workshops last year with Ianto and janine. We are nearing the half way
point in our building with many people enthusiastic about helping us this

Our instructors this year are Elke Cole and Eric Hoel. Elke is in the
process of building her own cob-strawbale home, is an architect, and has
taught with the Cob Cottage Co.  Eric is a past apprentice of Ianto Evans,
has built his own cob house and has taught 11 cob workshops to date.

The $500 Canadian (around $360 US) cost of this workshop includes 3 meals a
day, a Cobber's Companion book, camping , billeting, and washing
facilities.  We will be car-pooling from Vancouver.

This is a tremendous opportunity to share and live in the Nuxalk community.
Planned community events are an integral part of this workshop. The
workshop will include both Nuxalkmc and participants from outside the
community.  Because of the limited number of spaces available we are
encouraging you to register as soon as possible

We hope this interests some of you.  For more information contact:

Ian Marcuse
Down to Earth Building Bee
vtrac at
1117 Salsbury Dr.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada  V5L 4A9