Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob Fireplace walls

Glenna33 Glenna33 at
Mon May 11 17:26:06 CDT 1998

For a fantastic book try "Build Your Own Earth Oven" by Kiko Denzer. This is
available for $10 from Taylor Publishing. ( or call 
1-888-307-7650.) After reading this book you will know that the "sky is the
limit " when it comes to cob!  It is well worth getting the catalogue from
Taylor Publishing...they call it "The Dirt Cheap Builder's Catalogue" (Books
and videos for people who want to build with earth, strawbale, cob, adobe and
other low cost materials."  Lots of REALLY interesting books.