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Cob Hardening Of Limebrad davis bradavis at direct.caSun Apr 12 06:10:56 CDT 1998
Thanks Harry for the comments. I just finshed reading your messages on the Strawbale list now that I have time to read. I would also like to thank you for what you have presented to us. Interestingly, what you are reporting seems to make sense of my findings. Furthermore, what I find really interesting is I now have a better idea how Hemp reacts in Lime to produce a super, light weight, moisture-proof concrete. Hurds have approximately 20% silica content. Brad At 10:20 PM 4/11/98 EDT, you wrote: >Super > >Good work - lots of work, and nice to share with the group. > >On lime mixes, I would recommend coating the lime/sand mix after it is almost >hart - "thumb print hard" - then rubbing in the oil. This is what McDonald >describes in "the History of Plaster" as being able to make lime /sand plaster >hard and polished as marble. I think what happens here is that after making a >pozzoilonic mixture of lime and sand, then you waterproof if by reacting fatty >acids in the oilto make a calcium soap top layer or covering. Calcium soaps >are water proof - like the bath tub ring if you have hard water. > >Regard, Harry > >